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Learning and Training

When you know better, you do better.

There is a quote by John Adair – “Communication is the sister of leadership”.

Effective, strategic communication, backed by emotional intelligence is truly the winning formula at work and life. Most confuse communication training with one that teaches you to speak better. Well, that might be true for soft skill training or finishing schools. But, communication is a much deeper concept and speech is only scratching the surface.

Strategic communication comprises of many aspects like self-leadership, persuasion, argumentation, negotiation and conflict resolution to name a few.

A lot of workplace problems can be traced back to communication breakdowns. And many find themselves ill-equipped to cope with the ‘communication’ demands in their organization.

Ninety percent of (situational) leadership is the ability to communicate what the other wants. Our communication modules are carefully designed keeping in mind exactly that!

There is a story about a situation where a truck driver tried to pass under a low bridge. But he failed, and the truck was lodged firmly under the bridge. The driver was unable to continue driving through or reverse out. Between the driver, passers-by and emergency services, none of them could get the truck out.  Then a young man walking past simply asks, “why not just let the air out of the tyres?”  When the solution was tested, the truck was able to drive free with ease, having suffered only the damage caused by its initial attempt to pass underneath the bridge.

This type of creativity and outside of the box thinking is what solves problems.

Design Thinking helps us in the process of questioning: questioning the problem, questioning the assumptions, and questioning the implications. Design Thinking is extremely useful in tackling problems that are ill-defined or unknown, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways.

The World Health Organization estimates that India will suffer economic losses amounting to a staggering 1.03 trillion dollars from mental health conditions between 2012 and 2030. It is alarming that 42.5% of the employees in the private sector of corporate India suffer from depression or some form anxiety disorder. – a recent Economics Times report. 

Our internationally certified stress management professionals help organizations, institutions and individuals deal with stress better and achieve optimum productivity through our programs CopeSmart (for students) and EAP (Employee assistance program for working professionals). 

When investing in PR and media relations, it is important that a business owner / marketer understands how media functions, what are the prevalent socio and geo-political inclinations, what is news-worthy and what makes for a good story. Media training helps media-facing individuals to anticipate reporter behaviour, avoid common traps, and confidently focus on their messaging. Even with changing media landscape, the importance of media training hasn’t diminished. Infact, despite the recent barrage of digital and social news outlets, it has continued to stay relevant.

To book an introductory demo, write to us!